Anime Series Like Rin Daughters of Mnemosyne

Anime Series Like Rin Daughters of Mnemosyne


Immortality is something many people would wish for. But would it be such a coveted ability if people knew they would be subject to endless attacks because of information technology? Such is the case for Rin Asougi, an immortal private investigator, because there is no shortage of people who want her expressionless. Over the centuries, she has met many grisly ends, but each time, she returns to life every bit if nix had happened.

In 1990, while looking for a lost cat, Rin runs into Kouki Maeno, a human who feels that his memories are wrong. Like-minded to assistance him, Rin discovers that Kouki is not what he seems, all the while drawing closer to her true enemy. This adversary knows Rin and her kind all too well, and if she dies by his manus, she may stay dead permanently.

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Jun 29, 2008

Overall ten
Story eight
Blitheness 10
Sound 9
Character 10
Enjoyment ix


Okay, this is my starting time anime review, carry with information technology.

Mnemosyne is a truly orginal anime. I have never seen anything like it ever before. Each episode takes place in a unlike time frame and jumps decades at a time from episode to episode. What's more than, the surrounding environment changes along with it. Technology developes, buildings that were in one case prominent become battered and destroyed and charaters age.

The story seems to be complicated at commencement, but once it ends, the whole picture show seems to autumn into focus. The story surrounds a woman named Rin Asogi who runs a consulting agency with her friend Mimi and pet dog Genta. The affair is, they are both immortal from a found chosen Yggdrasil which releases spores that if entered into a woman, makes them immortal and they can live for practically forever. Merely if it enters a male, they get angels and can only alive for a curt corporeality of time. When both are near each other, the female is sexually attracted to the affections and asks of him to "devour" her.

Eventually, Rin meets Kouki Maeno in the kickoff episode and throughout the serial, the Maeno family unit becomes the key chemical element in the story along with a demigod Eipos who is adiment on eating Rin'south timespore.

The art direction is fantastic, although the retention flashbacks kind of make it difficult to see and sympathize what is going on. But that is the point of it all, since memories can go fuzzy and difficult to remember.

The sound is great since you tin hear every action shot, explosion and gut-wrenching scene quite clearly.

As for characters, they are well diverse and well thought out and have a different spin on personality every bit well as leaving some family resemblance when information technology comes to the Maeno family.

I thoroughly enjoyed this anime. Although some spots go hard to understand when yous commencement each episode. But overall, it was very good to watch and I highly recommend it for those of you who enjoy something aside from mainstream anime and don't heed nudity, action, explosions, etc.

Mnemosyne is one of a kind.

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Mar 3, 2013

Overall iv
Story 0
Animation 0
Audio 0
Character 0
Enjoyment 0

Offset, allow me get the obvious out of the fashion: the first two words I heard about this series were "torture porn" and it'southward non far from the truth. I exercise think there'due south more to the bear witness than that, information technology tries to take an engaging plot beyond pure smut and the concept is actually a decent one that somewhat justifies the testify's perverse tendencies. Setting aside any moral issues I might have with it, for the purposes of this review it's no dissimilar than any other kind of fanservice, particularly since information technology's sort of justified by the show'due south mythos. That said, if frequent nudity, erotic moaning and women being torn asunder in various and sundry means is a bargain-breaker for yous, there'south no need to read this review any further because Rin: Daughter of Mnemosyne has quite a lot of that going on. You take been warned.

The visuals behind Mnemosyne are hitting and miss. On i manus, the backgrounds are nice and detailed and the blitheness is pretty solid and consistent, just on the other the use of lighting varies wildly in quality and the grapheme designs are a bit generic, sometimes even dipping into ugly. When it's also dark, scenes that should be gripping just come out drab, and when information technology'due south too bright they cease upward looking gaudy. The evidence occasionally strikes the right balance, only the lack of consistency can be distracting, and the choreography behind the fights are pretty lackluster to boot. It's not completely incompetent, there are some proficient moments, but most of the testify's important activeness scenes tend to fall flat. Perchance I'one thousand being too harsh, information technology'due south perfectly watchable and never looks bad, it merely could've used more than panache. At the very least, it has a few decent photographic camera angles mixed in.

Maybe it'd be more compelling with better music, but it was not meant to be. Half the time the music doesn't really support the series, it just feels like it was slapped on at the end with barely any thought given. It's a perfectly good soundtrack that could have matched the tone the serial was going for in theory, but at that place was clearly very petty attempt put into its integration, so the strained music direction is a real shame. Combined with the poorly executed visuals, it makes all the difference between these scenes existence edge-of-your-seat thrilling and just "stuff that happens". I will say that the opening and ending are both hilariously bad Engrish songs.

The voice acting in both languages is fine, perfectly serviceable all-around, but neither really tries to go beyond the call of duty. The exception to this is Todd Haberkorn every bit the villainous Apos, his vocalism dripping with venomous obsession in a mode few voice actors can boom. Stop casting him equally harem leads, Funimation, he'south capable of much better than that. Besides, I suppose Mimi sounds better in the dub, merely that might just exist my distaste for moe bleeding through, I'll accept Jamie Marchi's sassy performances over Rie Kugimiya's distilled cutesiness any day. I digress. For a evidence as dry and dramatic every bit this I can't assistance merely call back that more than nuanced performances would have been fitting, but the scripts and interim in both languages are pretty content to just skate past. On the surface, the whole package just looks dull and uninspired.

In case my lack of enthusiasm wasn't immediately credible, I'll just come up out and say it: I was not impressed by this series in the least. Looking at the concept on paper I can see where its small popularity comes from, promising a sexy thriller with suspenseful battles, engaging mysteries and a unique mythos. Oh, and lots of fanservice, if that tickles your fancy. In execution, though, the series doesn't evangelize. Out of all the possible reactions I was prepared for going into this serial, the 1 thing I did not expect was that I would find it boring, and withal that is merely what happened. The poor direction is undeniably a big part of it--for a show that seems to want to stand out, the fights and activity sequences are pretty standard, no flair or finesse to proceed the audition'southward interest. Fifty-fifty when the risk takes on a global scale the tension is nonexistent. Mnemosyne is at its best when information technology's beingness tongue-in-cheek, so why couldn't it just stick with that?

Still, fifty-fifty with bland execution some shows can leave a positive impression if they put out a decent story. Only nope, to call the story here mediocre would exist generous. The entire first three episodes could be removed from the story altogether with only minimal rewriting and at virtually no detriment to the overarching story. The plot drags its feet through arc after inconsequential arc that oftentimes have picayune to do with the ridiculous mess that'southward somewhen revealed to be the plot, and at the stop of the day it seems to sincerely desire the audience to take it seriously on some level. I couldn't help but call up that this should have been a characteristic-length motion-picture show if annihilation, perhaps that would accept given it some much-needed focus. Nosotros don't need to be repeatedly reminded that vodka means water in Russian without variation, thank you very much. Apos' final plan is absurd and pointless and half of his means have nothing to practise with the terminate. Several twists are thrown in for no apparent reason except to make the plot more "edgy", and it gets really former really fast, particularly when the straightforward direction gives every indication that this story really thinks information technology'south actually going somewhere.

Moreso than its poor plotting, this series falls flat in how information technology develops--and doesn't develop--its characters. For a centuries-old mystery woman, Rin is simpler and more transparent than she has any right to be. She'south not unlikable, she has a respect for humanity and cares about the people who are close for her, but aside from getting angry every at present and again she's pretty much static, with no hidden depths aside from a chip of backstory in the finale that doesn't really add annihilation to her character. Her partner Mimi actually gets more development, and that's not maxim much. The side companions they pick up over the course of the series receive much the same treatment. Kouki, for instance, has an interesting backstory that the show conveniently tosses aside for nearly of his screentime simply to pull it back to try to milk it for some last-minute drama. To make matters worse, they're not all that fun to watch. I know this is subjective, just if the testify isn't going to make its characters complex and thoughtful the to the lowest degree it could practice is brand them energized. This show waffles endlessly betwixt light-headed and serious, never sticking to ane long enough to leave any kind of impression.

I've nearly beaten this testify to non-decease, but I accept to come back to the show's fanservice elements, because while I don't call up the raunchy material is inherently bad, in execution it drops the prove from bland and forgettable to just plain bad. I mentioned that the mythos somewhat justified the presence of fanservice in the evidence, and it does: the Angels are basically incubi, and while I won't spoil it, a certain pairing becomes part of a ritual that plays a key function in the series' determination. It's ridiculous, but with better execution I'd be willing to go with information technology. Rin using her sex entreatment to become close to her targets on missions? That actually makes sense. Battles fought in minimal if whatsoever wear? A scrap much, only it happens. A security guard shoving Rin, the unknown and probably dangerous intruder, to the ground and trying to rape her on the spot without subduing her properly? This is getting stupid. Everyone in this prove, be they human, Immortal or Affections, is ridiculously horny, to the point that it often gets in the mode of their common sense. The series' oversexed nature extends well beyond what's justified by the tone and the mythos, it gets in the way of the story, and it becomes familiar then chop-chop that information technology ends up becoming just dull.

I've seen plenty of series stand up out positively for the amount of honey and care that went into making them, but despite its unusual product history and somewhat interesting ideas Mnemosyne feels shockingly cold and apathetic. It baffles me that the makers of something so novel and daring could intendance so little for their infant, but that appears to be the example. Information technology has no thought what kind of show it wants to be, the finish consequence tries too hard to exist edgy and non hard enough to be entertainingly over-the-elevation most it. It nonetheless has some funny moments and some cool moments, but they're non plenty to be called a saving grace. The testify had no right to plow out as banal as information technology did.

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Nov sixteen, 2008

Overall 7
Story 7
Animation viii
Sound 6
Character 8
Enjoyment 7

“Mnemosyne”, too known every bit “Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi”, is a six episode serial containing a mix of supernatural, science fiction and horror elements. What will no doubtfulness strike nigh viewers virtually this series are its explicit horror and sexually tinted scenes.
Because these horror and sex scenes, likewise every bit the themes backside them, “Menomosyne” is but suitable for mature viewers. Those who practise watch will be treated to a nighttime serial that holds some very interesting references and concepts, both credible from its visuals or integrated in its plot.

The serial' fourth dimension frame spans over sixty years, the start episode showing united states events that occur in 1990 while the last episode takes place in 2055. Some flashbacks even requite us a glimpse of events involving the main characters that took identify many centuries agone.
The story follows Rin and Mimi, the various people they encounters and the overarching plot around mysterious miracle involving Yggdrasil, everything is slowly unravelled piece by slice to come up to a conclusion in the final episode.

In the beginning of the series, Rin and Mimi run a detective bureau, as such the outset episodes seem to be more independent mystery tales that reveal little about the girls' true nature and about nothing nearly the overarching plot. Gradually more than pieces are added to the puzzle and the whole plot becomes clear during the terminal episode when its fully explained and the intention of those that were pulling the strings behind the shadows becomes articulate. This can brand the final revelations a bit of a paradoxical experience for the viewer.
On i end, equally everything is explained to the audience about the mystic nature of immortals, angels and Yggdrasil, it is rewarding to finally see the bigger film of the series. On the other end since information technology was initially and then vague that information technology seemed almost absent during the outset episodes, most viewers who accept developed a bond with the chief heroines are more probable to focus on what becomes of them and may feel more than alienated in regards of the overarching plot and its touch on on humankind, even though it does involve the primary characters.

At commencement glance it may wait similar the horror and sexual scenes are at that place but as selling points to brand the series and fit it in the horror or sexually explicit category, an impression that could fifty-fifty be reinforced when one realizes the significant backside virtually of this horror and lust towards the latter half of the serial. Yet I plant they terminate up giving the series more depth and add together weight to its themes of (im)mortality and human desires. Non only do those scenes explicitly reference to psychological themes or concur sociological meaning, they too tell us more most the characters involved, which may cast a more grim light on some but makes them that much more interesting and involving characters.
Much like the excessive horror and blood spilling in “Elfen Lied” served another purpose than just showing gore, which became clear as the series progressed and ultimately gave it a deeper significant, especially for its characters.

The cast of “Mnemosyne” is rather small, which makes it easier for us viewers, seeing the limited number of episodes. Well-nigh are quite interesting, even when little is known about their pasts, the way they're presented and act shows more intricate and complex characters than the boilerplate bland two dimensional characters. Some even offer the states quite daring and grim persona.

Rin of course gets the about attending and development, while Mimi is an interesting character, she clearly remains a supporting character to Rin.
Being immortal, Rin especially seems to almost seek out situations where she volition encounter physical harm, her trunk often suffering atrocious injuries. While Mimi is more reserved towards dangerous situations, like Rin she too is no stranger in seeking out the extremes of concrete pleasure, certainly sexual pleasures. In the terminate it's made apparent that being immortal can also be seen as a curse, cut off from ane of the very foundations of what information technology ways to be human, one's mortality and finity, the girls can often only thrive or feel alive by seeking out extreme physical experiences and emotions, be it through suffering or pleasure. Paradoxically, their hearts and spirits are shown to remain every bit those of every other person, while somewhat desensitised towards certain concepts that normal mortal humans face, they became possibly even more sensitive to others. When they are finally able to bail with someone and feel true emotions such as love, any joyful or painful emotions there seem to be felt fifty-fifty more than vivid than for mortal humans.
More than disturbing in that aspect, no doubt intentional, was the emotional torture executed on some of the characters, showing that physical pain while great and lethal, can still pale in comparison to mental ache for which no true deliverance exists, peculiarly when at that place is no deliverance to be found for it by decease.

Portrayed equally a potent female person lead, who is not only smart and cunning only has terrific martial art skills, Rin is voiced past Mamiko Noto, whose subdued and soft phonation could be seen as ill plumbing equipment just actually offers a nice contrast and adds indispensable depth to Rin's grapheme by making her not just appear more serene and experienced, but also gives her the aura of a soothing mother effigy. This gives Rin a conceivable mix of force and vulnerability, of passion and serenity, of distance and attachment.

Mimi'south character seems a scrap more standard merely besides turns out to be quite interesting. Mimi'southward bond to Rin seems to be quite deep and even dotty at the kickoff of the series, merely later on those amorous and lustful feelings seem to have given way to a deeper and different attachment. Ultimately Mimi fights to protect and salvage Rin, the mode Rin had in one case fought to save her.

While the bloody horror scenes should still exist stomachable by most, the sadism exhibited in some scenes can be stomach churning. Some characters are repeatedly tortured and mutilated in such sadistic ways, information technology forms a dark and dire sketch of the inhumanity and levels of sadism some can display. It may seem a gratification or even commemoration of sadism, inflicting hurting and sexual corruption. A theme that was also touched upon in “Higurashi No Koro Ni”.

Next to the horror, there are many sexual themes and sexually tinted scenes, from near explicit sex activity scenes to the common consequence immortals and angels have on each other. All immortals are women and the only existent treat to their immortality are angels, males that posses superhuman strength offset by an extremely short lifespan. Devoid of any logical and normal reasoning, angels act equally wild beasts that seek out immortals and devour them. Immortals are vulnerable to angels due to their overwhelming physical reaction to them, when close to i, they become utterly defenceless and lust to be embraced by them.
The sexual references are quite obvious, men are referred to as mindless beasts whose power is to subjugate and conquer women, women who regardless of their ain powers such as standing the circumvolve of life, get lustful creatures unable to resist men.

Its story also expanding into the future, “Mnemosyne” shows us an interesting view of mankind's futurity with a contemporary spawned idea of how the digital earth permeate and eventually blend in with the real earth.

Animation by Xebec and Genco throughout all the episodes is good, with most focus on the female person characters and the realistic, detailed backgrounds. The difference in care and attending of the animation between different scenes can exist apparent sometimes. In some scenes where naked bodies are shown, they are not always drawn that well. Some of the horror scenes that would take been too gory and no longer look disarming enough if directly shown, employ clever tricks of shading and proffer.
Overall, the blitheness of “Mnemosyne” is proficient, though I did miss a bit of the beautiful animation of Rin and Mimi in the last episode, near the ending sequence, it didn't seem equally well cared for as in prior episodes. On many occasions the animation of Rin and Mimi is quite sublime, such equally the view of Rin leaning against a stone pillar in the opening sequence.

The soundtrack of “Mnemosyne” is adequately adept, the hard rock track accompanying the opening sequence immediately sets the trend for the more raunchy and hard hitting horror and sexual parts of the series. The rest of the soundtrack does a proficient job at setting the mood and accompanying what happens on screen, though a more eerie soundtrack could accept worked only besides but risked making the series a fleck too dark.

I definitely recommend “Mnemosyne” to those who want to see an engaging story with an interesting lead graphic symbol and aren't afraid of gore or sexually tinted scenes considering regardless of those scenes, they emphasise some of the more interesting themes the serial holds. And if you're watching information technology simply for the horror and nudity, you'll no dubiousness exist satisfied also.

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Aug 19, 2013

Overall 9
Story viii
Animation ix
Sound eight
Character 9
Enjoyment 9

"The gift of life is a fleeting precious affair. It is not something to exist toyed with." - Asogi Rin

Sex activity, violence & alcohol. These three things are some of the most prominent in Mnemosyne, and while it may not be every bit gory as say, Elfen Lied, this series isn't for the faint of middle.
Originally I went into this thinking it was by and large consisted of copious amounts of torture scenes, gore, and sex scenes, but I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be and so much more than that.

Story: (8 / 10)
Mnemosyne follows the lives of two immortal private detectives, Asogi Rin and Mimi, as they take on diverse assignments. The series actually span several decades (effectually 60 years, or so), with each episode skipping quite a few years. Because of this, we see the world and the characters in it change every bit fourth dimension goes on, while Rin and Mimi stay the same.
The consulting bureau at which the two chief characters work at make for "monster of the week"-type episodes, with seemingly unrelated events. However, as the story goes on, nosotros see how it all fits together, and as nosotros learn more about Apos' (the main adversary) true motives, nosotros uncover more answers about immortality and the "non-mortal globe".

At start you will encounter so many unanswered questions that it may seem confusing or intimidating to go on watching, but equally the episode goes on, the writers practise a good task of explaining most things, however non without leaving y'all with more than questions.
This chemical element of mystery and never really knowing what'south really going on, or what's going to happen next will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire series.

Art: (9 / 10)
The very starting time thing you'll encounter is the opening sequence, which to be honest isn't anything all that great. It'southward more or less your standard "grapheme montage", with some pretty weird stuff and some fanservice thrown into the mix.
Already in the first scene y'all'll see one of the characters wearing zero but an unbuttoned shirt, while running across a rooftop. This sort of "fanservice" is present throughout the entire series, but considering of the way it is done, it never feels as if information technology's forced, or takes away from what's actually happening.

There'll exist a lot of times where the characters are naked, whether it exist during a fight scene or during ane of the many sexual practice scenes. Yes, at that place are actual sex scenes in Mnemosyne, something yous don't meet in a lot of anime (though here it'southward xc% lesbian sex activity).
Ofcourse in that location are some scenes where the characters might be perverted just for the sake of being perverted, just most of the time it all fits in rather well with what's actually happening, and it doesn't take away from the feel at all.

Every bit for the rest of the fine art, information technology'due south rather well done, actually. I liked the character designs (peculiarly the choice of physically portraying Mimi every bit a teenager), and the changes made to the characters as the years passed were nice, as they'd really show that the characters practice age, but yous were yet able to tell who was who.

The overall aesthetics are too well done, and somewhat alter throughout the episodes, but nothing really major (though I suppose compages don't modify that much in threescore years). Even so, once over again you tin see that this is a totally different fourth dimension than the previous episode, and how culture has advanced.

The animations were fluid, and in that location was not a moment where I felt similar it seemed "stale".

Sound: (8 / 10)
One of the first things I noticed when I started watching (and it didn't take me very long) was Kugimiya Rie as the voice of Mimi. Having only heard her phonation characters who are a lot more aggressive (and overall very tsundere), Mimi was quite a squeamish "change of pace" so to speak. While she'southward non very aggressive, she has a more "childlike" vox than Rin does, and this fits very well with her character blueprint.
The balance of the voice actors did an overall good job, and there wasn't really someone who stood out as "that character with the lame voice acting".

The opening theme, "Alsatia", and the catastrophe theme, "Cause Disarray", are both performed past Galneryus, and since they're both very much washed in the same "style", it makes them sound very like. I can't say I actually liked these songs at start, just almost the end of the serial I'd gotten used to them, and I approximate this is very much a preferential matter.

The soundtrack was often rather "at-home", or had a very coincidental feel to it, which was quite the interesting dissimilarity to the themes shown in the serial. This didn't feel like a bad matter, though, and I quite enjoyed the music. Ane pocket-size trouble I had with it, even so, was that the background music pretty much stays the same for the majority of the series, and I feel like it would've been overnice if it had changed as the years passed.

Characters: (nine / x)
The characters are obviously a big office of this series. The two main characters (and their domestic dog) stay the same throughout the series, equally everyone else ages. This does not simply apply to appearances, only there isn't really much evolution for most of the serial regarding these two characters. Instead, the show focus more on the backstory, giving us flashbacks now and then, revealing pocket-sized parts of their by. I thought this was interesting, since the immortals would've probably lived for a very long fourth dimension, and information technology could exist fun to see their by experiences (unfortunately, not much is revealed about their past lives, aside from the parts of import to the plot).

Every episode (more or less) introduces a couple new characters to the cast. These characters are usually pretty young when they're first introduced, meaning they stay around for a an episode or 2. Because of the short corporeality of time these characters are given (as opposed to Mimi & Rin), it's important to make them equally interesting equally yous can with the given fourth dimension.
I felt like the writers did a good chore with this, as there were times when I'd certainly "feel" for the characters.

All in all, the characters are quite varying, and they're all rather likeable and interesting, and without this aspect I feel the show would've been much worse.

Enjoyment: (9 / 10)
I thoroughly enjoyed Mnemosyne, and was pleasantly surprised when information technology turned out to be such a more interesting anime than simply "a bunch of sexual activity and violence" (fifty-fifty if those things are certainly nowadays). Though once once again, I'd non recommend this show if yous're susceptible to gore or overall nudity...

+ Interesting storytelling "mechanics" (having the story span decades).
+ Several twists and events to go on you interested.
+ Good art and animation.
+ Makes use of fanservice, as opposed to only "having information technology in that location".
+ Soundtrack makes for a dainty dissimilarity to the visuals.
+ Interesting character cast.
- Too many unanswered questions at once may go out you lot very confused.
- Opening and ending themes take a very specific "manner" to them, may not be for anybody.
- Soundtrack doesn't modify all too much with the time skips.
- The levels of violence and nudity may plough you away if you lot're not prepared.

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